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Your Camp Youth Directors

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Youth Camp Director

James Tung

I'm a senior this year!! I will be attending Utah State in the fall and will be studying Business Management at Jon M. Huntsman school of business. I love the great outdoors and hanging out with friends. 

Fun fact: I am a Canadian citizen!


Assistant Youth Camp Director

Carter Niepraschk

I'm a sophomore this year at Mt Si High School. I do a lot of metal fabrication and build custom cars and suspensions. I also love mountain biking and i want to major in automotive engineering.


Assistant Youth Camp Director

Isaac Johnsrud

I am a junior at Issaquah High School this year. I enjoy being outside, rock climbing, hiking, skiing, off roading, and all sorts of outdoor activities.


District Workshops

Learn How to Receive Personal Revelation

Dealing with Uncertainty / Trial of Faith

Understand your Why? Covenants

The Importance of Living Worthily

All Together

Leave Your Legacy

Camp Devotional

Wednesday 7-8 PM

David French

Nathan Duffy

President Jarman

Gain a testimony of Missionary Work

Missionary Panel

Thursday 7-8 PM


Jason Lowe

Samuel McEntire

President Johnson

Mackenzie Day

Enos Experience

Personal reflection

Friday 6-7 PM

Youth Directors

Closing Devotional

Camp Devotional

Friday 8-9 PM

Youth Directors

President Smith

David French

1.  What is your career background?

 I've spent my whole career doing Business Development for internet start ups ranging in size from 3 person companies to 300+ employees. I enjoy the flexibility and fun that comes with startups and the challenge to build something out of nothing, but mostly I do it for the ping pong tables in the office.  


2.  What is a calling in the Church you've had that you especially enjoyed and why?

Hands down working with the Priests Quorum (current calling). I operate around the same maturity level as most 16-18-year-olds, so it's one of the more fun callings for me. But honestly, those boys help me along the spiritual journey more than I believe I help them and it's so great to be able to associate with them and call them my friends. They've made a big impact on my life and I love being able to work with them. 


3.  Tell us about your family

I am married to a wonderful woman  (Ashlee) and we have two kids together. Both are boys, Berkley (almost 2) and Jack (6). My wife and I were best friends for many years before I finally made a move on her, and I can tell you, especially while in lockdown, it pays to marry your friend.  It's ALWAYS a loud zoo at my house but I wouldn't have it any other way. We also have an old black lab named Roma and apparently are getting a puppy in a month or so (I was outvoted, but didn't know the vote was taking place anyway). 


4.  What is your favorite scripture?

Tough to pick just one, but I'd probably have to go with all of Luke chapter 15. I love the parable of the lost sheep/prodigal son and love vs 4 and 5 which read "What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness and go after that which is lost, until he find it. And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing."

5. Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know

I went to a LOT of different colleges. I took the 5 and a half year route (with a four-year degree) and enjoyed time at 6 different schools. Apparently transferring to Hawaii to surf for a semester isn't the best plan in regards to fast-tracking your degree. 


6.  What is the best advice you've ever received?

Everyone is on a different flight path to eternity. Some may be more direct flights than others and some may have more turbulence than others. It doesn't matter how many delays or proverbial flight cancellations you may face on your journey, as long as you always get up and keep moving in the right direction. 

Nathan Duffy

1.  What is your career background? 

Tax Consultant

2.  What is a calling in the Church you've had that you especially enjoyed and why? 

I have served in various callings supporting Aaronic Priesthood Quorums, all of which have been amazing! I love being with the young men, having rich spiritual experiences together and having a lot of fun. 


3.  Tell us about your family

My wife is Lindsay who is amazing. :). We are both from the Seattle area. I have three incredible children, Mason (7), Lincoln (5) and Hailey (2). We love spending time outside mountain biking, boating, skiing/snowboarding, hiking etc. 


4.  What is your favorite scripture?

Moroni 9:6 - And now, my beloved son, notwithstanding their hardness, let us labor diligently; for if we should cease to labor, we should be brought under condemnation; for we have a labor to perform whilst in this tabernacle of clay, that we may conquer the enemy of all righteousness, and rest our souls in the kingdom of God.

5. Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know

In high school worked for the Seattle Seahawks preparing the field (painting the lines) during the week for the games.

6.  What is the best advice you've ever received?

If you embrace the Savior, His gospel and devote your life to fulfilling His purposes, He will make more out of your life than you ever will. You will will have a rich and abundant life.

Neil Campbell

1.  What is your career background? 

Graduated from BYU as an Engineer in 1985.  I Have worked for several companies but the most well known were Boeing and Microsoft.  At Microsoft I was responsible for setting up factories throughout the world to manufacture Mice, Keyboards, and Xbox.


2.  What is a calling in the Church you've had that you especially enjoyed and why? 

I have particularly loved two callings.


One: As a full time missionary before College.  I served the indigenous Mayan people of South East Mexico.  I learned Spanish and then Yucatec Mayan.  It was one of the hardest things that I have ever loved. We built several branches while living quite remote in the jungles and we were blessed with the opportunity to assist in translating the Book of Mormon into Mayan.


Two: All of my callings in the Young Men’s Organization particularly as President of the Priest’s Quorum.  Each year, I would go in the summertime out to a lake in a houseboat with the Priests for a week and we would boat, ski, cliff jump, fish, jet ski, and hike.  At night we would stare at the night sky and talk of greater things.  Each year, we would use this time to release the Priest Quorum Assistants and call new ones.  At one time we had somewhere between 12 and 15 priests.  I always felt privileged and humbled to be in their presence.


3.  Tell us about your family

My sweetheart Dianna and I have been married for 39 years and have seven amazing children.  Five daughters and two sons.  They are all married now, each one sealed as covenanted children to our Heavenly Father.  They in turn have blessed us with 14 grandchildren with two on the way.  All of them continue to teach me everyday.  They are the greatest joy and blessing in our lives.


4.  What is your favorite scripture?

My favorite scripture changes everyday as I change everyday. The only safe way to say it is that I love the scriptures.  It is the only place where I find peace besides prayer


5. Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know

I helped invent the optical mouse.  I have run a marathon, and have climbed to the top of Kilimanjaro in Tanzania with one of my sons just before his mission.  I have even slept in the Wadi Rum Desert maybe close to where Moses and the Children of Israel travelled. But lots of people know all of that.  But no one knows that I observed the (Ramadan) fast while on travel in Dubai UAE. Fasting with them gave a new respect for their efforts to follow their religious practice as Muslims.


6.  What is the best advice you've ever received?

I have lived long enough to have received a mountain of great advice.  I continue to learn.  But there is one thing that has made all the difference in my choices.  I was given this advice by my then Stake President and future Father in Law.  “Youth can tolerate hypocrisy in themselves but cannot tolerate it in others – especially their parents and other adults.”  This counsel has guided my choices on being the same person at home as I am abroad.  I also helped my to patiently love the youth and allow them to grow through their choices until they met their true selves.  I am witness as I watched my own children grow to wonderful adults.

Temple President McMullin

1.  What is your career background?

 Entrepreneurial; online used book business

2.  What is a calling in the Church you've had that you especially enjoyed and why?

Teachers quorum advisor; I enjoyed the enthusiasm of the young men and the variety of activities that we could enjoy together.


3.  Tell us about your family

 5 children; 19 grandchildren

4.  What is your favorite scripture?

 Isaiah 2: 2-3 - 

2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.

3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

5. Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know

 I like crabbing

6.  What is the best advice you've ever received?

Be patient with yourself

President Smith

1.  What is your career background? 

I have been a reinsurance broker since I graduated from college (21 years ago), e.g., I help insurance companies determine how much risk they want to keep and what insurance they want to purchase from reinsurance companies to help manage their portfolio of risk.


2.  What is a calling in the Church you've had that you especially enjoyed and why? 

I loved serving on the High Council, you get to know great saints throughout the stake, become part of another ward family and work with the stake presidency and other high council members--it is awesome!


3.  Tell us about your family 

My wife and I have been married for 21 years and have four boys, Cannon (19) serving a full time mission in Wisconsin, Luke (16), Henry (14) and Matthew (12).


4.  What is your favorite scripture? 

Omni 1:26 - And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved.


5. Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know 

I won the Ricks College Intramural Ping Pong Championship in 1997.


6.  What is the best advice you've ever received?  

You can't do everything the Lord asks you to do all at once, so pray and find out what the Lord wants you to do right now.

Jonathan Stapley

1.  What is your career background?

I have a Ph.D. in carbohydrate chemistry, and started a company based on my research.  I’m in charge of Research and Development, Engineering, and Intellectual Property.


2.  What is a calling in the Church you've had that you especially enjoyed and why?

I was on the Western Washington public affairs council, and it was the best because I was always able to give my opinions about church events and policies, but was never the person in charge!


3.  Tell us about your family

I’m married to Kathryn Stapley, and we have four children.  Blaine is going to be a senior in the fall. My youngest two are in Chinese immersion elementary school.


4.  What is your favorite scripture?

I’m a researcher with expertise in the Doctrine and Covenants, but it is hard not to love the New Testament.  I don’t have favorite verses.


5. Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know

I play guitar and write and record music.  Mostly alt-rock.


6.  What is the best advice you've ever received?

My dad visited me when I was on my mission in France in the mid-1990s. I was very focused on working hard, and using all my time productively. He wisely told me to not forget to take the time to do nothing-to be still and to think.  Some of my best ideas have come from that advice.

Stake President Jarman

1.  What is your career background?

I have a masters in architecture, masters in construction management work for a couple large builders in the state and started my own business in 2006. I now own two companies one is a home-building company one is a entrepreneur coaching business.

2.  What is a calling in the Church you've had that you especially enjoyed and why?

 Being a bishop was especially enjoyable as I got to be a bishop to my children as they were in the youth as well as enjoy adventures that were physically demanding but spiritually inspiring.

3.  Tell us about your family

I’ve been married to Heidi for 24 years. I have five children for boys and a daughter and my oldest son Jason got married a year ago.


4.  What is your favorite scripture?

Doctrine and covenants 6:36 - "Behold, I do not condemn you; go your ways and sin no more; perform with soberness the work which I have commanded you."


5. Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know

I was able to summit Mount Rainier in 2010


6.  What is the best advice you've ever received?

Make the temple the great symbol of your discipleship.

Robert Dotson

1.  What is your career background?


2.  What is a calling in the Church you've had that you especially enjoyed and why?


3.  Tell us about your family


4.  What is your favorite scripture?


5. Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know


6.  What is the best advice you've ever received?

Jeff Dance

1.  What is your career background?

Jeff Dance is the founder & CEO of Fresh Consulting, a creative and digital engineering company headquartered in Seattle. Fresh builds brands, apps, systems, websites, robots, and autonomous vehicles. Fresh was started 12 years ago when he and his wife lived in his grandmas basement. Now it has 4 offices and employs over 325 people, primarily designers, software developers and hardware engineers. Prior to Fresh, Jeff worked as a Strategy & Operations Consultant with Deloitte Consulting, where he worked for companies like Apple Computer.

2.  What is a calling in the Church you've had that you especially enjoyed and why?

 I really enjoyed being a seminary teacher.  I'm not an early morning person but preparing to teach a lesson helped me grow a lot, and feeling the spirit deeply when I was there reminded me of how important it was to have a spiritual connection in my week...and changed my life probably more than it changed the awesome kids I taught.

3.  Tell us about your family

 I've been married for almost 17 years to my wife Kari, and I have 4 kids - Brighton, Boston, Milan, and Roman.  My kids do many of the activities we enjoy: skateboard, wakeboard, surf, ski, skateboard, and run.

4.  What is your favorite scripture?

The Psalm of Nephi- 2 Nephi 4:15-35


This reminds us that even the great Nephi has shortcomings and knows where to look for salvation to strengthen himself, and reminds us not to rely on our own flesh.

5. Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know

 I'm a level 3 AASI snowboard instructor and was shop sponsored in high school.  I considered becoming a professional snowboarder as a career path early on.  I worked at Park City for 4 years while going to school.

6.  What is the best advice you've ever received?

To have Balance in my life.  When I have balance in my life, I'm a lot happy.  My dad often reminded me of this when I was too into myself in my teenage years.

Bishop McNames

1.  What is your career background?


2.  What is a calling in the Church you've had that you especially enjoyed and why?


3.  Tell us about your family


4.  What is your favorite scripture?


5. Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know


6.  What is the best advice you've ever received?

Bill McDonald

1.  What is your career background?

Raised is West Seattle, Attended BYU undergraduate, University of Washington School of Dentistry, Loma Linda University General Practice Residency, Private General Dental Practice since 1986

2.  What is a calling in the Church you've had that you especially enjoyed and why?

Ward and Stake young president.  I loved being with learning from being energized by great young men

3.  Tell us about your family

Married to the Love of my life for 41 years.  We have 6 children and an adopted nephew, with 31 and 2/3 grandchildren

4.  What is your favorite scripture?

I love the 93rd section of the Doctrine and Covenants.  At one time I memorized the section.


5. Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know

I held a 5 foot mojave green rattle snake in my bare hands. (which has the most potent venom of any north american snake.)


6.  What is the best advice you've ever received?

Live life with gratitude, love and passion and marry over your head

Jason Lowe

1.  What is your career background?

I am set on studying business finance at BYU when I return from my mission

2.  What is a calling in the Church you've had that you especially enjoyed and why?

Serving as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints because I could literally feel my nature changing through Christ and through my opportunities that I had with others.

3.  Tell us about your family

I have 2 brother and 2 sisters, all older than me except for I have one younger sister. All of the 3 older siblings are married, and I have one SPECTACULARLY AMAZING niece, and an awesome dog.

4.  What is your favorite scripture?

My favorite scripture as of right now is 3 Nephi 17:7 Have ye any that are asick among you? Bring them hither. Have ye any that are lame, or blind, or halt, or maimed, or bleprous, or that are withered, or that are deaf, or that are afflicted in any manner? Bring them hither and I will cheal them, for I have compassion upon you; my bowels are filled with mercy.

5. Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know

Not many people know that I am a sucker for a good romance movie

6.  What is the best advice you've ever received?

Effort is everything, I don’t know if anyone has really ever given me that advice specifically, but I guess its been alluded to and I have kind of learned it over time.

Tyler Staples

1.  What is your career background?

 Real Estate Broker and Pilot for Windermere Real Estate

2.  What is a calling in the Church you've had that you especially enjoyed and why?

 Elders Quorum President - The many opportunities I had to serve and minister 1:1 to those who were active, less active, and non-members.  I learned more about the Savior and how the Holy Ghost and revelation works through this calling than any other I’ve had.

3.  Tell us about your family

 My wife and I have 6 children:  Twin boys that are 14, 12 and 10 year old boys, 7 year old girl and a 3 year old boy.

4.  What is your favorite scripture?

 1 Nephi 3:7 - This is my go to scripture when I’m facing challenges, trial of faith, feeling temptations or when I’m finding a particular commandment or direction from a leader difficult to obey.  There’s always a way.

5. Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know

 I love music, favorite bands are Metallica and Pearl Jam.  I’ve crashed two cars and an airplane and somehow lived to tell about it.  

6.  What is the best advice you've ever received?

Keep the Lord and His work first, and all other things will be added unto you.

Dave French
Jeff Dance
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